What to do that is healthy this weekend

Looking for something to do this weekend?  Don’t want to go out partying, drinking and then sleeping through the weekend and regretting on Monday morning?  Well you aren’t alone, I have been meeting more and more people who feel the same way.  Here are some tips……remember the key to getting healthy is support, find some healthy friends!

Ideas for things to do:

  • • go for a walk.  Pick the nearest park to you, bring a book, some music and just walk or sit amongst the trees and grass
  • • check out a new yoga studio and take a class
  • • call a friend you haven’t seen in over 4 months and catch up over a smoothie or juice
  • • make dinner, something simple, easy but tasty, believe me it’s a rewarding and fun activity
  • • try a new flavoured smoothie combination at home in your blender
  • • call a family member in town or far away and reconnect
  • • go for a swim, plenty of public pools and hotel pools depending on your budget
  • • take a cooking class, there are now 4 cooking studios that I know of, no excuse to not learn how to cook!
  • • Go on an organic farm tour

The above weekend ideas may not seem the norm in Shanghai but believe me healthy options are out there if you go seeking them!